Minting and Redeeming
Minting MLP
A fee of 0.05% is charged
MLP can be minted with any or both of the tokens specified by the pool
A target state is set by governance stating the ratio between the two tokens. A price impact fee could be charged when users are not depositing the desired ratio of tokens. Desired ratio of tokens moves the pool closer to the target weight and is indicated by frontend by inputting the number of MLPs users wish to mint.
Redeeming MLP
A fee of 0.10% is charged
Burn MLP tokens to receive assets from the pool
Users can not specify tokens to receive. The pool calculates the dollar amount of redemption and pays out tokens with a goal to move the pool closer to target weight after redemption.
Pools may use price impact fees collected to adjust token weight from time to time according to the target ratio.
Last updated